
Original posted to A Gatekeeper's Journey on February 20, 2019

My Public Statement

I am posting the here for all those people who do not use Facebook. Please feel free to share this post with anyone you may think needs to read it. I don't quite know how to reach all the people that I miss, so any help would be appreciated.

his is my story of what I experienced during the abuse scandal within CAYA caused by Jessica Matthews. I have sorted through my diaries, emails, text messages, conferred with other people who are present. I have reviewed everything I believe and understood through my psychiatrist, psychologist, a licensed clinical social worker, and a marriage and family therapist. While working with all these people, one dear friend helped me crystallize the final piece and by doing so, brought everything into focus a few weeks ago. This is a personal statement about my experiences and my perceptions. They are mine alone. My purpose in writing this is for myself. I need to put this out so that I can move on now. It is time to rebuild, and start anew.

Why now and not earlier? Because I finally saw how conditioned I was and the pattern of isolation that she used to cut me off from friends and family. I see now how she took advantage of me when I was weak and broken. Leading up to my divorce and after facial reconstruction she had convinced me that my husband was abusive, and that he was using me. That he was an awful person. That's easy to do when my brain was shutting down due to health issues. I trusted her and asked for advice. She isolated me from my husband. My friends, the other men in the men's group, the council, my teachers, and mentors, and later from my boyfriend, my best friends. Anybody that could have helped me and discover what she was doing she cut me off from.

She made me feel like I didn't belong anywhere. But that was OK according to her, because she understood me, even if nobody else did. The council may not have faith in me, but she believed in me. Meanwhile she's telling the council things about me from my personal life with enough spin to escape a black hole. Trying distance them from me by implying a lack of character and inner strength. I didn't realize that she had convinced me that I didn't fit anywhere, and that no one understood me.

With chronic pain, mobility issues, neuropathy, cognitive difficulties, depression, anxiety, and mild PTSD, I was an easy target. It's no wonder she could easily do this to me as she was my teacher, my trainer, my mentor, my guide, she knew all of my inner hurts - and how to use them against me. I didn't feel like I belonged with the victims who had left the coven, I didn't feel like I belonged to the people who remained, I didn't feel like I really belonged anywhere. I should say I didn't feel like I would be accepted... I felt like those victims who had left would be angry with me, after all she had led me to understand that nobody understood me like her.

I lost most of my social group in my divorce. The Green Men disbanded at her suggestion, and the men's moons were even discontinued as I felt it was financially irresponsible to pay for the space for just me to attend a men's ritual if I didn’t know if anybody else would show up. My hive classmates scattered, some resigned, some went on sabbatical, all of them damaged. My mentors and the teachers in the coven were some of the most damaged and I couldn't speak to them, so I did what I could to help people heal. I listened to their stories. I believe them and what they said. I tried my best to help, but still, I didn't feel like I belonged. And then conversation a couple of weeks ago made it all crystal clear. I had been conditioned and I had been isolated. It was leftover conditioning, leftover damage and hurt, leftover pain and fear. After reviewing this all with my professionals they concurred. So let me share a few things as I understand them.

She insinuates, and implies things in a way that helps out her agenda. ”Don't speak with that person on sabbatical - they need a total break. If you do speak of them it would be bad for them.” Another example "this person is living in some bad conditions at home with their children. If I were a mandatory reporter I would be forced to call and report them but, I'm bound by confidentiality so I can't..." She said that, knowing full well that as a nurse I am a mandated reporter and I realized that she was trying to get me to call on somebody within the coven based on what she said alone. After checking around, turns out it wasn't true.

One time I asked her for advice about changes to a ritual that the men's group was doing and she said something like, “that's a wonderful idea. you should totally do that. It sounds great,” and then after I did that some of the other men came to her to discuss the ritual and she said things like, “that's a terrible thing. He should not have done that. I can totally understand that was the wrong thing to do and you have every right to be upset.” Yet when I talked to her later, she was on my side playing us against each other. Then later she suggested that we needed to have a mediated conversation with her as the mediator. So of course we did and she comes out looking like the hero and we both lost trust in each other over something that she fabricated just so she could look like a hero.

At one point, she tried to force a person who was training with me in my hive to move out of their house because she disliked one of the other people that was living there. This conversation happened in front of me and my entire hive training group and she said that if they didn't move out of that house that they couldn't continue training or be a part of CAYA. Separately and at different times, she implied and insinuated in front of other people that both my ex-husband and my current boyfriend were abusive. She continue to talk about moving me in with other people so that I could be taken care of, and I kept mentioning my boyfriend. She would just not answer and if I brought things up with her directly that she didn't like, the conversation never turned out in my favor... She always has to be right, you cannot argue with her, and she always knows best.

There is a pattern in her method of arguing and in winning a conversation. Here is another example.

Me: I was uncomfortable with the speech that you just gave in the ritual you said men or all men try to take power from women and/or doing bad things in general. I noticed that other men present looked uncomfortable and embarrassed. Can you maybe change the language so it's not lumping them together.

Her: I don't really understand what you mean. I didn't say that. perhaps you misunderstood.

Me: *repeats part of sermon that made the men uncomfortable.*

Her: I never said that and if it makes you uncomfortable then it sounds like you need to do some work around that issue. I never said it like that and I can't believe you would think I would do something like that. As your mentor and your high priestess, I'm offended that you could think such things of me.

Me: I'm only talking about the phrasing from that…

Her, interrupting: It is obviously your issue and not mine. What I said was different and as such I will now have to draw a boundary between us. As it is your issue and not mine, you will have to deal with it. I am not going to allow you to foist your problems on to me. I am fine with what I have said.

Me: Wait, what I don't have any issues with…

Her, speaking over me again: I am more than happy to help you with unpacking these issues later and I'm happy that you brought these to my attention. I will think on it and see how I can help you with it at a later time. Right now I have to go. Have a blessed day.

First she denies, then she attacks you, not the issue. I guess they call it a pivot nowadays. She refocuses on a personal attack against you then invokes her authority, as well as personal boundaries. Then she offers to help you with your problem and thanks you for bringing it to her attention. Then she makes her exit. Seems kind of like shock and awe combined with a pivot.

I'd also like to say something about the men's group. The Green Men were the ones who managed and put on the Brotherhood of the Moon's rituals. She suggested that the men's moons should be combined with the women's moons. There were objections that if the men are seeking a place to explore the masculine divine with other men in a safe space within a predominantly goddess centered culture, they would not show if there women attending. It was pointed out, that it would drop attendance and stall the growth in numbers that the men's moons had been recently enjoying. This proved to be the case. By the time the experiment was over, the attendance in the men's only moons was back down at the bottom. She also decided, in her infinite wisdom, that one of the women from the women's tradition should oversee the men's group. Somebody like a manager, who we had to let know how things were going and what we were up to. She also played us off of each other. At one point, when we were having an all-hands men's meeting to determine the future of the Green Men and other business, she showed up to mediate and help facilitate the meeting. In the process, she suggested the best thing to do would be to disband the group and then start over again. One of the reasons that we ended up dispersing was because of all the hard feelings she created between the men. And a lot of those hard feelings, I have found out after the fact came from her lying to us about each other and keeping us from communicating by separating us and having us talk to her. I have no doubt that she dismantled the Green Men intentionally, slowly over time.

When things started to fall apart with CAYA, I had people stop me from getting involved due to my brain damage, slow processing speeds with both verbal and written communication - my anxiety and chronic pain, along with my medication make me an easy target. I did what I could to keep my head down and support others where I could. I listened. I believed. I watched as, one-by-one, people burned out, gave up, couldn't deal anymore, left to take care of themselves. Some left because they didn’t feel believed or just couldn't take it anymore, “I didn't sign up for this” and it felt like a war zone. I needed to go back on medication for anxiety to cope with some of the mess that was left behind by her. Only in the aftermath had it become clear that she had done this.

I had just not realized emotionally what it meant for me until now. I had not seen the pattern of abuse and control that she had caused in my life. I thought I had gotten off light. Then the patterns slowly started showing up and now I get it. I'm free of her at last. I highly recommend professional help if she has affected your life. If you don't have insurance that covers mental health and live in California, there is a program to get help for free or greatly reduced cost. I believe it may be called California Mental Health Services.

I wanna say a couple of things briefly about the phrase "witch wars.” It marginalizes conflict within the community and allows people to turn a blind eye to abuse. Those injured feel further isolated by people labeling it “just a witch war.” How can those injured reach out if you belittle them and their hurts? It's a dismissive term and one that allows abuse to hide in plain sight. Please just think about that... And for those who at the end of this say, “well you would never have had some of the experiences that you had if it weren't for her invitations and guidance,” you're correct, but that in no way factors into the conversation of abuse of power, or abuse at all. Here's a parallel example: if a man flies you to Paris, takes you to the top of the Eiffel tower at midnight for private dinner, and has your name written across the sky in fireworks, it is a magical and amazing evening. Then he takes you back to a 5 star hotel with champagne in the presidential suite and then beats the crap out of you, it's still wrong. It's still abuse. No matter what he has done for you before he brought you to the hotel, the abuse is still wrong. It's very simple.

In the past she has repeatedly said things like, “the patriarchy is attacking strong, independent, empowered, female leaders and trying to tear us down” when I look around at the pagan community, I see many strong, empowered, independent women leading. Most of them are women that she tried to tear down. It is not the patriarchy causing her problems, She is causing her problems. It is her own behavior that is the issue.

Some years ago I was invited to participate at the Night of a 1000 Crowns - I believe that was what is was called. My part was to sit on the stage as one of the individuals who would have the divine feminine, the goddess, called into them. We were to act as living statues, as vessels for Her light. I didn't know what to expect and was just told I was to be like a living statue and a vessel for the goddess. She asked me to do this part and it was she to be the one who called the goddess down into me when the time was ready. She stood behind me with her hands on my shoulders as we waited until it was time, and then everything is a bit blurry. I can tell you that when I open my eyes, I was full of love, compassion, peace, and understanding. So many emotions and each one specific to each of the attendants who approached me. They were mostly women, and while I sat as a statue, I saw so many tears. Some were tears of joy and some of them tears from something I couldn't name or understand. And as they each approached and threw flowers at my feet and I sat there, this shell filled with life, and light and song, helping these attendees heal, and see within me that which they needed to see. After the ritual was done I asked for some of the flowers that were offered at my feet and I also asked for the simple green cotton fabric that had been draped over the chair I was sitting on. Thank you again to the lovely lady that the fabric belonged to, for she agree to let me have it. Even today I have dried flowers saved and I have the green cotton fabric. I wrap it around myself and times for a reminder of the feelings that I had that day. It was incredibly humbling opportunity to be in the presence of something so magically healing. My world shifted that day and it started me upon the path of understanding my obligation to use my privileges as a white cis-gender man to use my voice, to ensure that the voice of others can be heard, and to do so without telling the stories of those people for them. I remember telling people after the ritual, “now I understand why statues of the Virgin Mary cry.” It truly shifted my paradigm that day.

And now the reason I tell you this story. Jessica invited me to this event. She was the one who stood at my back, kept me grounded, and called the divine feminine into me. I will not have her presence in this memory alter it for me after the fact. This event in my life was between myself, the divine, and the participants. It was between me, the goddess, and those people who threw flowers at my feet. I will not let her tarnish moments of joy and strength just because she was present. She does not get that power over me. I will not make myself weaker by throwing out a memory that helps me grow and change for the better just because she was there. She isn't going to get that from me.

I've grown so much with CAYA. I would not have had the strength to have facial reconstruction surgery that I needed to stop brain damage without CAYA’s support. They helped me to rebuild myself from a broken mind with missing memories and then they helped me grieve after a divorce, and yet again after getting hit by a bus. They patiently helped me heal up and find myself again. I miss CAYA. I miss my friends, CAYA did these things. My friends did these things. I know that CAYA is effectively ended as it moves on to become something else. I miss so many people. And knowing what I do now, I have no idea if any of what she told me about why people left is true. I was an easy victim. I am writing this for me. I hope it does someone out there some good, I just needed it to be out there so I can close the book cover on this whole mess. It is time for me to sleep, tomorrow is Pantheacon. Maybe I can track down some old friends and see how they have been.


Thanks to Susan and Brian for editing and proofing for me . Giant hugs

Original posted to A Gatekeeper's Journey on March 16, 2019

A Hard Truth

After giving my public statement time to sit and not think about it, I was rereading it recently. I must admit that I have become the bad guy. I believed J.M and followed her, and others, examples. I hurt ppl that I care about. I have been accused of spreading rumors that originated with J.M. that were designed to hurt and alienate other ppl. ppl I care about. I don't really know how things got so twisted around that I got in that situation. And, I suspect I am far from the only one that she used like this.  I am grateful that the person in question believes that I not not do so maliciously, nor with intention of harm. But, I am not going to be able to renew that friendship. This is hard to grasp and something I am really struggling with.

I  had to remind myself that I may have been manipulated and isolated, but I wasn't openly attacked. I didn't have ppl on social media and in the pagan community hounding me and saying bad things about me. I wasn't made into a target of a smear campaign like so many others were. Even though I tried to be open minded, fair about everything, and think for myself, I was turned into an arrow. I don't have a clue how it felt to my friends who became targets. I feel guilt, shame, sadness, anger, and fear.  I can only imagine how hurt, isolated, and painful it must have been for others. My intention is, to apologize, figure out what I have done, and how to make it right.

If they don't want to talk about it, how do I get resolution on this? And, I think that the “I” in the previous sentence is the clue. It becomes a very slippery slope and a very easy one to turn around and make all about me. It is easy to flip this and say things like:
”Why didn't you let me know, why didn't your friends let me know? How am I going to be able to apologize for something that I don't even know I did? How do I defend myself or my actions if I don't specifically know what I have done?
Notice how many references to myself there where but none in reference to the other person, accept in an accusatory tone? My first instinct is to ask questions like those above. But, they wont do anything to heal the situation if someone doesn’t want to talk about it and has moved on. I don’t have the right to try and force someone back through that kind of pain just because I want answers. That is their choice and they have every right to choose not to speak about the past. I respect that. Even if it is difficult to do, I have to accept that. I have no right to try and make someone speak about anything, let alone painful things from the past. My first rule in life is simple, “Your rights stop when they intrude upon the rights of others.”. I am not sure if there is a way to make things right. I do not have a clue on how that can be done, nor even where to begin. I will ask if there is anything I can do to make it right,  and start from there. There may not be an answer for me, but I will try.

As I sort through all of this it boils down to something very simple and inescapable. I am the one who did something that hurt others. I am responsible for my actions, and I have to deal with the consequences. I am the one who needs to try and make it right and apologise for my actions. There is no wriggle room, no deflection, no shifting the blame. I was the bad guy, I was the arrow, and now I have to live with that. I am not really sure how to do that, other than to remember to never be put into this situation again. Talk openly, love fiercely, be honest, and try to do my best. Ask questions, speak my truths, and always be kind. I will learn from this and hope time heals the pain for both of us. That is all I can do at the moment. Trust to time and move forward.

Gatekeeper Jey

Jesse Johnston

This is my story of what I experienced during the abuse scandal within CAYA caused by Jessica Matthews. I have sorted through my diaries, emails, text messages, conferred with other people who are present. I have reviewed everything I believe and understood through my psychiatrist, psychologist, a licensed clinical social worker, and a marriage and family therapist. While working with all these people, one dear friend helped me crystallize the final piece and by doing so, brought everything into focus a few weeks ago. This is a personal statement about my experiences and my perceptions. They are mine alone. My purpose in writing this is for myself. I need to put this out so that I can move on now. It is time to rebuild, and start anew.

Why now and not earlier? Because I finally saw how conditioned I was and the pattern of isolation that she used to cut me off from friends and family. I see now how she took advantage of me when I was weak and broken. Leading up to my divorce and after facial reconstruction she had convinced me that my husband was abusive, and that he was using me. That he was an awful person. That's easy to do when my brain was shutting down due to health issues. I trusted her and asked for advice. She isolated me from my husband. My friends, the other men in the men's group, the council, my teachers, and mentors, and later from my boyfriend, my best friends. Anybody that could have helped me and discover what she was doing she cut me off from.

She made me feel like I didn't belong anywhere. But that was OK according to her, because she understood me, even if nobody else did. The council may not have faith in me, but she believed in me. Meanwhile she's telling the council things about me from my personal life with enough spin to escape a black hole. Trying distance them from me by implying a lack of character and inner strength. I didn't realize that she had convinced me that I didn't fit anywhere, and that no one understood me.

With chronic pain, mobility issues, neuropathy, cognitive difficulties, depression, anxiety, and mild PTSD, I was an easy target. It's no wonder she could easily do this to me as she was my teacher, my trainer, my mentor, my guide, she knew all of my inner hurts - and how to use them against me. I didn't feel like I belonged with the victims who had left the coven, I didn't feel like I belonged to the people who remained, I didn't feel like I really belonged anywhere. I should say I didn't feel like I would be accepted... I felt like those victims who had left would be angry with me, after all she had led me to understand that nobody understood me like her.

I lost most of my social group in my divorce. The Green Men disbanded at her suggestion, and the men's moons were even discontinued as I felt it was financially irresponsible to pay for the space for just me to attend a men's ritual if I didn’t know if anybody else would show up. My hive classmates scattered, some resigned, some went on sabbatical, all of them damaged. My mentors and the teachers in the coven were some of the most damaged and I couldn't speak to them, so I did what I could to help people heal. I listened to their stories. I believe them and what they said. I tried my best to help, but still, I didn't feel like I belonged. And then conversation a couple of weeks ago made it all crystal clear. I had been conditioned and I had been isolated. It was leftover conditioning, leftover damage and hurt, leftover pain and fear. After reviewing this all with my professionals they concurred. So let me share a few things as I understand them.

She insinuates, and implies things in a way that helps out her agenda. ”Don't speak with that person on sabbatical - they need a total break. If you do speak of them it would be bad for them.” Another example "this person is living in some bad conditions at home with their children. If I were a mandatory reporter I would be forced to call and report them but, I'm bound by confidentiality so I can't..." She said that, knowing full well that as a nurse I am a mandated reporter and I realized that she was trying to get me to call on somebody within the coven based on what she said alone. After checking around, turns out it wasn't true.

One time I asked her for advice about changes to a ritual that the men's group was doing and she said something like, “that's a wonderful idea. you should totally do that. It sounds great,” and then after I did that some of the other men came to her to discuss the ritual and she said things like, “that's a terrible thing. He should not have done that. I can totally understand that was the wrong thing to do and you have every right to be upset.” Yet when I talked to her later, she was on my side playing us against each other. Then later she suggested that we needed to have a mediated conversation with her as the mediator. So of course we did and she comes out looking like the hero and we both lost trust in each other over something that she fabricated just so she could look like a hero.

At one point, she tried to force a person who was training with me in my hive to move out of their house because she disliked one of the other people that was living there. This conversation happened in front of me and my entire hive training group and she said that if they didn't move out of that house that they couldn't continue training or be a part of CAYA. Separately and at different times, she implied and insinuated in front of other people that both my ex-husband and my current boyfriend were abusive. She continue to talk about moving me in with other people so that I could be taken care of, and I kept mentioning my boyfriend. She would just not answer and if I brought things up with her directly that she didn't like, the conversation never turned out in my favor... She always has to be right, you cannot argue with her, and she always knows best.

There is a pattern in her method of arguing and in winning a conversation. Here is another example.

Me: I was uncomfortable with the speech that you just gave in the ritual you said men or all men try to take power from women and/or doing bad things in general. I noticed that other men present looked uncomfortable and embarrassed. Can you maybe change the language so it's not lumping them together.

Her: I don't really understand what you mean. I didn't say that. perhaps you misunderstood.

Me: *repeats part of sermon that made the men uncomfortable.*

Her: I never said that and if it makes you uncomfortable then it sounds like you need to do some work around that issue. I never said it like that and I can't believe you would think I would do something like that. As your mentor and your high priestess, I'm offended that you could think such things of me.

Me: I'm only talking about the phrasing from that…

Her, interrupting: It is obviously your issue and not mine. What I said was different and as such I will now have to draw a boundary between us. As it is your issue and not mine, you will have to deal with it. I am not going to allow you to foist your problems on to me. I am fine with what I have said.

Me: Wait, what I don't have any issues with…

Her, speaking over me again: I am more than happy to help you with unpacking these issues later and I'm happy that you brought these to my attention. I will think on it and see how I can help you with it at a later time. Right now I have to go. Have a blessed day.

First she denies, then she attacks you, not the issue. I guess they call it a pivot nowadays. She refocuses on a personal attack against you then invokes her authority, as well as personal boundaries. Then she offers to help you with your problem and thanks you for bringing it to her attention. Then she makes her exit. Seems kind of like shock and awe combined with a pivot.

I'd also like to say something about the men's group. The Green Men were the ones who managed and put on the Brotherhood of the Moon's rituals. She suggested that the men's moons should be combined with the women's moons. There were objections that if the men are seeking a place to explore the masculine divine with other men in a safe space within a predominantly goddess centered culture, they would not show if there women attending. It was pointed out, that it would drop attendance and stall the growth in numbers that the men's moons had been recently enjoying. This proved to be the case. By the time the experiment was over, the attendance in the men's only moons was back down at the bottom. She also decided, in her infinite wisdom, that one of the women from the women's tradition should oversee the men's group. Somebody like a manager, who we had to let know how things were going and what we were up to. She also played us off of each other. At one point, when we were having an all-hands men's meeting to determine the future of the Green Men and other business, she showed up to mediate and help facilitate the meeting. In the process, she suggested the best thing to do would be to disband the group and then start over again. One of the reasons that we ended up dispersing was because of all the hard feelings she created between the men. And a lot of those hard feelings, I have found out after the fact came from her lying to us about each other and keeping us from communicating by separating us and having us talk to her. I have no doubt that she dismantled the Green Men intentionally, slowly over time.

When things started to fall apart with CAYA, I had people stop me from getting involved due to my brain damage, slow processing speeds with both verbal and written communication - my anxiety and chronic pain, along with my medication make me an easy target. I did what I could to keep my head down and support others where I could. I listened. I believed. I watched as, one-by-one, people burned out, gave up, couldn't deal anymore, left to take care of themselves. Some left because they didn’t feel believed or just couldn't take it anymore, “I didn't sign up for this” and it felt like a war zone. I needed to go back on medication for anxiety to cope with some of the mess that was left behind by her. Only in the aftermath had it become clear that she had done this.

I had just not realized emotionally what it meant for me until now. I had not seen the pattern of abuse and control that she had caused in my life. I thought I had gotten off light. Then the patterns slowly started showing up and now I get it. I'm free of her at last. I highly recommend professional help if she has affected your life. If you don't have insurance that covers mental health and live in California, there is a program to get help for free or greatly reduced cost. I believe it may be called California Mental Health Services.

I wanna say a couple of things briefly about the phrase "witch wars.” It marginalizes conflict within the community and allows people to turn a blind eye to abuse. Those injured feel further isolated by people labeling it “just a witch war.” How can those injured reach out if you belittle them and their hurts? It's a dismissive term and one that allows abuse to hide in plain sight. Please just think about that... And for those who at the end of this say, “well you would never have had some of the experiences that you had if it weren't for her invitations and guidance,” you're correct, but that in no way factors into the conversation of abuse of power, or abuse at all. Here's a parallel example: if a man flies you to Paris, takes you to the top of the Eiffel tower at midnight for private dinner, and has your name written across the sky in fireworks, it is a magical and amazing evening. Then he takes you back to a 5 star hotel with champagne in the presidential suite and then beats the crap out of you, it's still wrong. It's still abuse. No matter what he has done for you before he brought you to the hotel, the abuse is still wrong. It's very simple.

In the past she has repeatedly said things like, “the patriarchy is attacking strong, independent, empowered, female leaders and trying to tear us down” when I look around at the pagan community, I see many strong, empowered, independent women leading. Most of them are women that she tried to tear down. It is not the patriarchy causing her problems, She is causing her problems. It is her own behavior that is the issue.

Some years ago I was invited to participate at the Night of a 1000 Crowns - I believe that was what is was called. My part was to sit on the stage as one of the individuals who would have the divine feminine, the goddess, called into them. We were to act as living statues, as vessels for Her light. I didn't know what to expect and was just told I was to be like a living statue and a vessel for the goddess. She asked me to do this part and it was she to be the one who called the goddess down into me when the time was ready. She stood behind me with her hands on my shoulders as we waited until it was time, and then everything is a bit blurry. I can tell you that when I open my eyes, I was full of love, compassion, peace, and understanding. So many emotions and each one specific to each of the attendants who approached me. They were mostly women, and while I sat as a statue, I saw so many tears. Some were tears of joy and some of them tears from something I couldn't name or understand. And as they each approached and threw flowers at my feet and I sat there, this shell filled with life, and light and song, helping these attendees heal, and see within me that which they needed to see. After the ritual was done I asked for some of the flowers that were offered at my feet and I also asked for the simple green cotton fabric that had been draped over the chair I was sitting on. Thank you again to the lovely lady that the fabric belonged to, for she agree to let me have it. Even today I have dried flowers saved and I have the green cotton fabric. I wrap it around myself and times for a reminder of the feelings that I had that day. It was incredibly humbling opportunity to be in the presence of something so magically healing. My world shifted that day and it started me upon the path of understanding my obligation to use my privileges as a white cis-gender man to use my voice, to ensure that the voice of others can be heard, and to do so without telling the stories of those people for them. I remember telling people after the ritual, “now I understand why statues of the Virgin Mary cry.” It truly shifted my paradigm that day.

And now the reason I tell you this story. Jessica invited me to this event. She was the one who stood at my back, kept me grounded, and called the divine feminine into me. I will not have her presence in this memory alter it for me after the fact. This event in my life was between myself, the divine, and the participants. It was between me, the goddess, and those people who threw flowers at my feet. I will not let her tarnish moments of joy and strength just because she was present. She does not get that power over me. I will not make myself weaker by throwing out a memory that helps me grow and change for the better just because she was there. She isn't going to get that from me.

I've grown so much with CAYA. I would not have had the strength to have facial reconstruction surgery that I needed to stop brain damage without CAYA’s support. They helped me to rebuild myself from a broken mind with missing memories and then they helped me grieve after a divorce, and yet again after getting hit by a bus. They patiently helped me heal up and find myself again. I miss CAYA. I miss my friends, CAYA did these things. My friends did these things. I know that CAYA is effectively ended as it moves on to become something else. I miss so many people. And knowing what I do now, I have no idea if any of what she told me about why people left is true. I was an easy victim. I am writing this for me. I hope it does someone out there some good, I just needed it to be out there so I can close the book cover on this whole mess. It is time for me to sleep, tomorrow is Pantheacon. Maybe I can track down some old friends and see how they have been.


Thanks to Susan and Brian for efiting and proofing for me . Giant hugs

Heaven Walker

Received as email to Rabbit Testimony

There was a time when I thought JM was my best friend, maybe she thought so too. She was one of the first friends I made when I moved to the Bay Area about 15 years ago. In the beginning we were so close. We were in Oracles of the Living Tarot together, and founded Come As You Are coven together.

 The first ritual was a Samhain ritual that we did together in her living room with about 50 people, that was before the name was made public and she announced that she wanted the coven to be "open". She also mentioned that she wanted to work with a collaborative of priestesses.

Stella Iris and I were graduate school friends and I remember inviting her and her husband to the first CAYA open public ritual that was being performed by Molly Blue Dawn, another friend I had made through Oracles of the Living Tarot. I then invited my oldest friend Szmeralda Shanel to be part of our collective and others were invited as well.

After about a year Rabbit announced that "there were people that wanted to study with us" so we should take initiates. This was hard for me at first because even the open structure of the coven was new to me as I was used to practicing with smaller concentrated groups that were often invite only. She assured me that this was a good idea and that she had a system in place to protect the coven, so I agreed.

We began to have "Hives" of initiates, the first of which I was the "mother" or point person for the training which was a lot like a group skill share because every initiate came in with their own tradition and practice.

We started out as a Collective. First a collective of priestesses, and then a collective of initiates, than clergy.

During the training of hive 1, I became pregnant and was less available to the hive and to CAYA as a whole. However, the relationships stayed strong, and I felt spiritually connected to the group. Captain Jane, formerly Rowan, even helped to deliver my baby and I am the God/Gaia parent of one of the hive 1 clergy members.

When I became pregnant she yelled at me because my pregnancy was unexpected but eventually we mended our relationship. Although me and JM still remained close, I was noticing a shift in her. She became very focused on expansion and was personally wounded if anyone decided to "leave" the coven. This caused her to be very paranoid. She used to tell me that she knew when someone was going to leave because she would vomit foam, which I actually saw happen once. She would then black ball the person that left.

I also saw her appoint herself in a hierarchical role as the "presiding high priestess" who had the final say in all matters. No one ever argued with her, because they knew they would not win.

When I began to point things out that were troubling me she distanced herself and I stepped down in leadership of the coven. Our friendship became sporadic, but when we saw one another we would drop in as if a day had never passed. During these drop ins, she would fill me in on other members of the group who had left and the personal projects she was working on, expansion was always a goal. She also confided to me how hard it was that she had not been able to have a baby and how much she desired one. This desire made her judgmental and critical of any mother in the coven. She confided to me once that she needed to stop talking to one of the clergy for awhile because she was so jealous of the baby girl she was about to have.

I eventually resumed my relationship with the Women’s group and with CAYA as a whole and began to hear reports of how truly critical she had become of the mothers in the coven and the staff of the store she believed that she was co-owner of. She would berate mothers who needed to be at home taking care of their children and did not have time for 3,4,5 hour or all day long meetings.

She once confided in me that she was “so happy that I was a 'black mother' because white mothers just wanted to be friends with their children.” At one point during an argument she was having with some coven members she said to me “I guess I just can’t be friends with white women anymore.” Although I knew she was trying to bait me with these types of comments, I was very loyal and often held her while she cried about one thing or another. I was the one who held her when her misconduct was made public at Hexenfest. I was loyal until the end, although I believed my sisters, I was trying to make sense of how a woman I had known for so long could have strayed so far. I wanted her to make amends, but was willing to stay her friend while she worked on that.

However, I soon discovered that she felt sorry for nothing, and admitted no fault. I also found out that pathological lying was somewhat of a sport for her. I found this out on a personal level, when I was made aware of a pernicious lie that she told that personally involved me. JM came to my son’s birth and was one of the first people to hold him. She praised me often about being a good mother, but never could bring herself to actually spend time with me and my son. I later found out that she told a mutual friend and coven mate that “she could not believe that I had been allowed to have a baby when she wasn’t”, and that my son had been conceived in a weekend long haze of heroin use; a drug that I have never once tried. Interestingly enough, a drug that has often been associated with the black community, even if unfairly so, as there is clearly also a “white face” of heroin.

In her statement, my “best friend” who had once asked to take me home with her and her girlfriend on Beltane (I didn’t go), my “best friend” that I had comforted and held through countless tears like a mammy, had bastardized the birth of my child, the thing that is the most sacred to me; the one thing she could never have.

She preys on who she believes to be weak. I believe her to be truly psychologically unhinged and dangerous. The words narcissist, or pathological liar, do not even begin to explain what she is capable of.

Steph Ivy Whiteside

Posted to Twitter by @stephgwhiteside

Also re: Harmony Tribe. They have worked w/ Yeshe Rabbit/Jessica Matthews/Yeshe Matthews/Rabbit Matthews, who has been recently exposed as an abuser and cult leader.

(Full disclosure, I was part of her local group for a time - can verify truth in accusations against her)

Correction:  It looks like Harmony Park and Harmony Tribe are different. I'm not hearing anything negative about Harmony Tribe, and it seems they were just one of many groups taken in by Rabbit's deceptions.

I was in CAYA (and left) and there's def a lot of problematic attitudes re cultural appropriation, etc. Plus there was abuse but not of kids

Also from Whiteside:

Facebook comment 22 March

Lorelei Moon

Excerpted from a post on Speaking Of Witch 1 April 2018

I AM A SURVIVOR OF CAYA COVEN during the cult leadership of Jessica "Yeshe Rabbit" Matthews

In addition to these painful milestones and the personal stress and health issues I am grappling with right now, information has finally come to light about a spiritual group that I used to belong to, CAYA (Come As You Are) Coven. Talk about stepping off a cliff! I think I made my way through the whole journey of The Fool during that time and when I finally I made it to to the end; Judgement and The World, I did have a clearer perspective on many things. Sometimes when things come into focus, they aren't pretty.

​I left primarily because of gross abuses by the leader of the group: Jessica Matthews aka “Rabbit” Matthews aka Yeshe Rabbit aka Reverend Mother Matthews, and possibly using her husband's name, Robles. Now that everything has blown wide open and so many victims are coming forward, there is a lot more to deal with than the pain I had so neatly compartmentalized. What I did not know in the years after I left was how many other people besides myself, had been peeling away. When you left or were forced out, all your former friends, who you thought of as family, were discouraged from speaking to you. I was not aware that everything had come to a head with a huge, verbally abusive, transphobic rant last year, followed by a fracturing of the group and many revelations about Jessica's improprieties and lies. I am aware of approximately fifty victims and as is the case with any serial abuser, there are more who have not come forward. A private investigation was begun by the CAYA Council, however, given a “heads up” by an ally, and rather than face the charges against her, Matthews hastily resigned and fled the SF Bay Area.

Beware! She's Still Out There!

Matthews is now portraying herself as the victim and telling many false narratives, including saying that no one has presented her with the accusations. She got them alright but chose to leave rather than listen to them formally. She has systematically gaslighted and dismissed the people that she has abused. She is reframing things so that she can get support and new followers. She now has a revamped online presence with a “temple” and a Patreon. Her followers don't just prop up her ego, they support her financially. It is really scary to think that this clinically narcissistic, charlatan could potentially harm many more people.

There are a few well known people in the pagan community whom she has deceived that are vocally defending and supporting her. Many of these so called leaders are known TERFs (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) which should tell you something about her. I suspect others only know her public face and have been taken in by her flattery. She still has her hooks in a few original members who are acting as puppets for her agenda. One of these is someone I used to consider my closest friend. Recently a respected pagan online publication, where she used to work and where she evidently still has plenty of allies, interviewed several victims and rather than use the details given to them,  essentially gave Matthews a platform while diminishing the victims' accounts. They say they had an independent editorial review for bias but it was very disappointing. When victims talked about their experiences in the comments, some of which the publication knew about but failed to include, supporters of Matthews were allowed to respond with abusive tirades and then the comments were suddenly closed.

* I have decided not to link the article at this time because I feel it was so biased and poorly written.

Even CAYA itself, which has lost the vast majority of its membership and is struggling to recover put out the mildest most, legally covering their collective asses, statement possible but it was enough to raise questions. You can read their statement HERE: CAYA COVEN PUBLIC STATEMENT

I was heartened when several respected pagan groups: Solar Cross Temple, Strong Roots and Wide Branches, Coru Cathubodua Priesthood and Black Rose Witchcraft, put out a more definitive statement. It was the statement I would have liked to hear from CAYA.

Statement From Prominent Pagan Groups

Matthews is very good at presenting herself as a charismatic holy woman however, she is a highly  manipulative, narcissistic abuser, a bigot and a transphobe who has destroyed many lives. I personally watched her interfere with coveners’ sobriety, mental health, jobs, finances, sexuality, family connections, love lives and marriages. She abused her power. She did sketchy things financially. Her dress, practices and entitlement smacked of cultural appropriation. She is a predator who preys on the vulnerable, people who have been marginalized, abused or have low self esteem. She had inappropriate relationships with those she was in a position of power over and did not respect boundaries or care about consent if she wanted something. She used both members and others in the pagan community to gain respectability, knowledge and prestige. When she was through or when they started to question her, she threw them under the bus and got her followers to drive it over them. Under her stewardship, CAYA Coven became nothing less than a cult. The things I observed were so horrible it's going to take a long time to process them. I thought I had done a lot of this already, since I left back in 2014, but I was wrong. Now, I feel that it's really important in addition to my own healing,  to support the survivors, refute the misinformation that is out there and do my best to make sure that the harm this woman does to new acolytes is minimal.

I know I am putting a huge target on my back speaking out against this woman, but I think she is too dangerous to others, for me to stay silent, especially after other victims have spoken so bravely.

This will continue to be a lot to process. There is a reason I have been pulling the cards for myself personally that I have been: The Tower, Judgment, etc, or as you can see above, from my gorgeous new, Whispers of Lord Ganesha oracle deck, “Revelation!” So, even though I still have to deal with all of these things it's going to feel really good to get back into this discussion and introduce you to new tarot decks new interpretations ways of reading and talk about my passion.

I plan to write more about my experiences on my personal blog. For now, if you want to know more I am including links to public statements and the blogs of former members and students.

See also:

T. Drakos

Original posted on Dreams From The West Wind 23 March 2018

On my years in CAYA Coven

I first attended a CAYA Coven service in the summer of 2007. I had recently moved to the Bay Area, and was looking for a new pagan group: My partner and friend and I attended a Midsummer ritual, greatly enjoyed it, and quickly became regulars. CAYA was quite new at this point: they had only recently begun offering public circles in a public venue, and had yet to take their first group of initiates. I initiated into CAYA’s Wildflower tradition in 2009, was ordained a Wildflower Priestess in 2010, initiated as an Amazon in 2010, and was ordained a HPS in the Amazon (later Bloodroot Honey) tradition in 2011. I served, planned, organized, trained, and was in every other way a member in good standing with CAYA until I left in August 2015.

When I joined, CAYA was like many other small religious/spiritual groups: a little dysfunctional around the edges, but with a solid core of joy and excitement. I, and the other members of the group, poured our hearts and souls into it, and took our mission of worshiping the gods, providing good ritual and spiritual training, and creating an intentional spiritual community, very seriously.

In retrospect, there were red flags from early on, but it was easy to dismiss them as being misunderstandings, or over-zealousness, or the sort of gossip that just arises in small, active communities. However, as CAYA grew bigger, and as Yeshe Matthews, the main leader (yes, I know she was one of many founders, but she was always treated as the foremost authority, and held the title of “Visionholder” and “Visioning High Priestess” for the coven) went through personal events which contributed to her increasing instability, that sense of well-masked and tolerable dysfunction spiraled into blatant and systematic emotional, verbal, and spiritual abuse, along with financial and sexual impropriety, which I will detail below.

Why speak out now? I didn’t speak out sooner because, frankly, I’d spent enough time and energy on CAYA, and I simply wanted to move on with my life. I expected CAYA to implode (as it has- I realize it still technically exists, but it’s lost at least three quarters of its membership over the last five or so years), and Yeshe to drift into obscurity. However, as it has become clear that she is instead still actively seeking students, and is founding a new Temple, I think it is important for the details to come out in the hopes of preventing harm to new people.

Please note that, while there are many more issues of which I was aware than what I detail below, I am limiting myself to experiences which I had myself, which I directly witnessed, or which I was specifically told about by the person to whom they happened. Anything beyond that, however truthful I think it to be, I will leave out.

Peer pressure and outside life: 

CAYA could be insidious. The core of the coven, especially in the beginning, was a close-knit group of friends and colleagues who spent a tremendous amount of time together, and who did great religious work. It was easy to want to join that, and it was easy to consent to the work of initiation, even if it was a lot. Multiple rituals a month, each with their own multiple hours-long planning meetings; mandatory monthly day-long initiate meetings, additional “encouraged” time with your initiate group; online or self-study work with your sub-group within CAYA; your assigned role (social media! newsletter! organization of events!); mentoring new initiates after you’d been ordained; multiple yearly retreats; governance meetings; conflict resolution meetings; etc. If you were a person in CAYA with a full-time job, CAYA would very quickly suck up every ounce of free time you had, and many you didn’t. And, at first, you’d likely give it gladly! After all, this was The Work.

But, from early on, CAYA began to experience problems with member and clergy burn out. There was too much work, and not enough clergy to go around. This was compounded by the fact that Rabbit was never satisfied, and pushed the coven to grow every year, to add more and more responsibilities, to take more trips and host more workshops and increase our notoriety, and framed it all as a combination of your responsibility to your higher self, your gods, and your community, and also as a moral and spiritual failing if you indicated that you might need a break. The coven did have one year, 2012, in which it did not ordain any new initiates, and in my memory, it was the only year in which we achieved real stability; it was never repeated.

The problems with this are obvious: cutting people off from their existing social, emotional, and familial networks is textbook abusive behavior, and serves to create untenable group dynamics where everyone is completely dependent on the group’s success. Rabbit in particular would pressure people to commit more, to give more, and would shame them if they didn’t.

I remember one instance in particular where an Amazon initiate who had a colicky young baby was unable to attend a mandatory meeting, and instead called in by Skype to hear the teachings. This was initially approved, but as the meeting went on, Rabbit pressured her to get off Skype and drive the 40-60 minutes with her baby  to attend the evening meeting, assuring her that all the baby needed was to be held by the circle of women, and when the initiate finally firmly refused, Rabbit castigated the initiate at length as uncommitted, flaky, and a poor mother. The initiate signed off in tears, and continued to be characterized by Rabbit and others as a “concern” and as an inadequate priestess, mother, and member of the coven until she left a year or so later.

Sexual behavior and concerns: 

There was a standing joke which was oft-repeated in the early years about how the Amazon tribe was only ever a hot tub and a bottle of champagne away from an orgy. It was funny, kind of, but also way closer to true than was ever appropriate for the leadership of a public religious organization. Let me be clear: though I am in a monogamous hetero-sexual relationship (and have been for seventeen years), I have zero problem with what other consenting adults do with each other. What I do have a problem with, and what often came up in CAYA, are sexual situations in which there is an unbalanced power dynamic which calls that consent into question.

I never directly experienced what would be legally characterized as sexual abuse, nor did I see any myself, but I have no difficulty believing that it happened. I was definitely aware of sexual pressures, particularly from Rabbit toward various people to either sleep with her, sleep with each other, or to generally “free themselves” from patriarchal sexual mores ie: sleep with people at her behest. She at least twice to my knowledge engaged in sexual relationships with people under her spiritual authority, including initiates, and routinely trivialized others’ sexual and romantic choices, particularly those that did not reflect her own. The Amazons, especially, could create problematic situations as we held our meetings and performed our rituals skyclad. If you were an initiate, you were only allowed to wear underwear if you were bleeding, and if you covered up with a blanket or shawl because you were cold (as I often was), you were lectured at length about your need to overcome your puritanical and patriarchal prudishness. (I was a nude model for years; literally hundreds of people have seen my bare ass. I was just cold.) Sex and sexual behavior was also framed as offerings to the deities (in private or in private groups, not in public ritual), especially to Aphrodite and Oshun, of whom Rabbit was a priestess, and any perceived reluctance on this front, especially from women who also dedicated to those goddesses, was treated as a spiritual failing.

Financial issues: 

As with many pagan communities, CAYA had some members who had full-time jobs and incomes, and many who did not. Those who didn’t were encouraged to become dependent on Rabbit and “her” store, or later on the coven, in the guise of the community supporting itself. However, this then led to the dysfunctional situation of many coven members being chronically under-employed, underpaid, and unable to search for or accept other work because to do so was seen as a “betrayal.” Those who did leave The Sacred Well for better financial offers were shamed, shunned, and subjected to intense emotional scenes. Meanwhile, those who worked “mundane” jobs were alternately scorned and berated for not contributing enough time and energy to the coven and yet also expected to help fund the coven through donations, the purchase of supplies, and subsidizing less fortunate coven members’ “needs” (I don’t mean things like bills or food, I mean things like coven field trips). There was also a lot of pressure to purchase all of your magickal goods through TSW, to take classes there, and to patronize the staff there for magickal work.

Much of this, on the surface, is innocuous: sure, if I’m able, I’m happy to help out my community member in paying for things, and sure, if a friend of mine owns a store, I’m going to make a point to buy things there. The issues came in the censuring that occurred if you stepped out of line, and the ways in which the organization systematically preyed on its members, both on the time and energy of the under or un-employed and on the financial resources of the financially solvent. Further,  a culture of financial irresponsibility was fostered, up to and including the broad social acceptance of defaulting on loans, declaring personal bankruptcy, and tax evasion. All of these institutional systems and responsibilities were seen as symptoms of the patriarchy*, and while it was never spelled out or dictated that we should do these things, they were presented as normal and reasonable behaviors. Meanwhile, everyone was simultaneously encouraged to line Rabbit’s and TSW’s pockets with whatever they could spare in exchange for a new trinket or a divination.

Relationship issues: 

Rabbit was famous for breaking up relationships, especially monogamous heterosexual relationships. I saw her succeed in dissolving several marriages and partnerships, cause real instability in others, and try to undermine many more. I don’t fully understand why this was a habit of hers, but it was particularly intense in the years before she herself got married. She would target the women of the coven, first making them so busy and over-committed with coven responsibilities that the quality of their relationship was strained, then suggest that their (invariably male) partner didn’t support them, didn’t see them as the goddess and queen they were, and tell them that by continuing to bind themselves in a romantic relationship with a man, they were succumbing to the patriarchy and denying the goddess. The pressure could be intense, and sadly several relationships fell, including several with small children involved. At least one of the couples went on to remarry after the woman left CAYA, and is happy to this day; others were not so fortunate. I suspect it was just another piece of creating dependency on herself and the coven, but that’s speculation. I was fortunate to escape the brunt of this, as my partner was already in CAYA, and was not seen as a “threat” by her.

Cult dynamics: 

The first big red flag for me came in my Amazon initiate year, and in retrospect, I should have left then, but I didn’t. My father , who lives several states away and whom I see maybe every other year at most, let me know that spring that he would be in my area for about 36 hrs on a work trip in the early summer. Unfortunately, his visit coincided with one of the mandatory all-day Amazon meetings. This should have been fine – in our manual, it said that we could miss one of the four mandatory meetings, provided we gave sufficient notice and made arrangements to make-up the work, so I contacted Rabbit and let her know that I would need to miss this meeting, and asked what sort of make-up work I needed to do. Rabbit, however, told me that I would not be allowed to miss it, and when I protested, cited the manual, and pointed out that I would not see my father again likely for years, she called a meeting of me, her, my Amazon “big sister” and two of the other Amazon priestesses (one of whom was another Elderflower).At this meeting, she spent hours explaining to me how in order to be a successful Amazon priestess, I needed to free myself from the patriarchy and repudiate my father. I remember having to leave the room several times so that I could be quietly hysterical in the hallway, completely overwhelmed with shock at what was happening. They were unmoved, and I was informed in no uncertain terms that if I missed even a portion of the meeting to see my father, I would be expelled from the Amazons. To this day, I carry deep regret and shame that I gave in, but I did. I did not see my father, and I attended the meeting. This is just one example of the sort of alienation from existing relationships and support structures that was practiced in the coven, and these grew worse as time went on.

The systems of the coven also encouraged secrecy and shaming: our only mediation and remediation process, called “Conflict Resolution”, took place in secret meetings between the complainant, the accused, and representatives for each as well as adjudicating Council members. No one besides those involved were allowed to know about it, and those involved were forbidden to speak of it. It was not considered finished until both parties agreed that it was resolved in full.

This sort of system, of course, is deeply flawed: what of the danger to the coven of someone who is being brought up repeatedly on ethical or behavioral complaints? What of the inherent pressure on the complainant to give in to whatever solution or redress is presented in order to not have to continue indefinitely facing the person who has mistreated them? And, most importantly, what happens when the accused is in fact the highest-ranking person in the coven, from whom all the representatives and adjudicators take their cues?

Intracoven social dynamics: 

CAYA quickly became a series of cliques. The governing body was in its own pocket, quite literally- most of them worked at “Rabbit’s” store; several of them lived in the same building, and those that didn’t lived very nearby. They had exclusive chat groups, took trips together, had regular communal meals, and saw themselves very much as the best of the coven. In addition to creating an insurmountable Us/Them dynamic, this added to the cult-like phenomenon of inability to leave: If your High Priestess is also your employer, also lives in your building, and is also one of your closest and only friends (because remember, you’ve now spent years neglecting the rest of your relationships), how are you reasonably supposed to extricate yourself? This inner circle not only was used to consolidate Rabbit’s control of the coven and validate her own personal needs, it served as a tool by which to alternately exhort (don’t you want to be as good at this as these people are?) and berate (look how much work these people are doing! what have you done for the coven lately?) the rest of the group.

Sexism, transphobia, and appropriation: 

I am a feminist. I believe feminism is crucial to fixing our society, I believe intersectional feminism is absolutely necessary, and I believe transwomen are women. “Feminism” means treating people of all genders equally, providing them with equal access, equal opportunity, and doing away with gender-based power and reward structures.

This is not what Yeshe Matthews believes. To her, men are an inferior group of people who exist to provide money, service, and children (preferably girls). To her, transfolk are out of touch with their own true self and transwomen are really men. To her, other cultures exist to be borrowed from, “resonated with”, and used as a bludgeon to prove her own superiority over others. Weirdly, she also subscribes to very traditionalist tenants of womanhood, including seeing motherhood as the ultimate expression of goddesshood- this resulted in pressure on the women of the coven to have babies, whether they were able and willing or not, and also in very unhealthy situations in which Rabbit would often publicly berate the mothers in the coven on their child-raising, particularly the ways in which they were doing it wrong.

I can say all these things because I witnessed all of them over the years I knew her. She can talk a good talk, and I think she convinces herself of whatever she needs to in any given moment so that she can play whatever victim card is called for in any given situation. But her actions – the routine disrespect, disenfranchisement, and dismissal of the men in the coven; her waffling positions and hatespeech toward transfolk (and gay men, too); and her frequent appropriation of non-white cultures to serve her own religious self-aggrandizement – speak for themselves.

Emotional abuse: 

Rabbit was always prone to dramatics; it’s part of what makes her such an effective charismatic leader. She is able to fully feel, fully emote, and fully share a tremendous range of feelings at any given moment. This, though, combined with her ever-growing paranoia, made her increasingly unstable. What started out as peer pressure and lecturing turned into systematic shaming, shunning, gaslighting, and manipulation. The entire coven was under her thumb, and she was especially awful to the Amazons/BRHP. I have seen her scream litanies of abuse at covenmates, including insults, swears, and threats; she was often petty, vicious, and cruel to anyone who showed any resistance to her, only to claim either that it was “tough love” and “for their own good” or else that she had only said it because she was in such a terrible state herself, and if they really loved her, they’d understand and forgive her. She moves instantly between invective and martyrdom, cursing members one moment while seeking their comfort and reassurance the next. As her persecution complex deepened during 2014 and 2015, you just never knew when you were going to put a foot wrong: everything was a loyalty test, and if the meeting didn’t end with multiple people crying and apologizing and professing their undying devotion to her and to the coven, then you’d better believe we’d make up for it at the next one.

Again, though, this was only ever an escalation of a thread which was always present: very early in my Amazon initiate year I remember her, in the context of discussing my purported reservedness (I’m not a big public display of emotion person) with another priestess, looking me straight in the eye and saying, “Just wait. I’ll break you.” Easy to awkwardly laugh off in the moment as a joke, but it was ultimately her goal- she wanted to break all of us, because if we remained fully ourselves, we didn’t need her the way that she craved.

The difficulties of leaving: 

It is technically true that you could leave, and many did. However, it was very difficult for many because CAYA had become your entire social circle, and often your primary, if not only, emotional and financial support. When I left, people with whom I had been close, intimate friends for years cut me off entirely. You would be blocked on social media, unfriended, emails would go unresponded to, calls ignored. This was demoralizing at best, and shockingly hurtful and depressing to many.

Though many of us “retired,” and were in good standing at the time we decided to leave, we were welcome to attend rituals, we were purged from email lists, and all trace of us was erased from the CAYA website. If you worked in “Rabbit’s” store, which many coven members did over the years, you needed to be able to provide for yourself financially in other ways before you could even consider getting out. Once you’d made the decision, you had to make a full plunge, with no looking back, because you would not be allowed to recant or negotiate your return.

Leaving was also seen very much as a punishment or a surrender, as Rabbit over the years systematically targeted individuals for abuse and eventual expulsion from the group. This, of course, served to make the remaining group even more committed, because they didn’t want to be forced out against their will, and didn’t want to undergo the losses and smear campaigns that would result from our departure. (Everyone who left got a narrative of some kind: “the one who was just in it for the attention”; “the one who wanted to steal Rabbit’s position”; “the one who was poisoned by the patriarchy”- we used to speculate while we were still in the coven about what our inevitable narrative would be.)

So, as with any cult or other abusive relationship, it’s very easy to look at it from the outside and say “why didn’t you just walk away?” The answer, of course, is that it was much harder to do so than it seemed.

There’s more, of course there’s more. Years and years of more. But anyone who’s read this far either is convinced or is not by now, and many of the stories are not mine to tell. I’m sure she will deny all of this, should she become aware of it. I’m sure I will be denounced by her and her followers as resentful, petty, slanderous, and many other things. They will produce stories of my manifold failings, claim that I was never dependable or reliable, and discredit me in every way possible. I don’t care- I know and the gods know that it’s true, and that’s enough for me.

I loved Rabbit, and CAYA, and it grieves me deeply what all of it has become. I feel deep compassion for her, and I hope that she gets the help she needs, and I hope even more that her many targets and former friends find the healing that they need. As for CAYA, it was all hers from the beginning to the end- I can’t imagine how it can continue as is, and I encourage anyone who remains to burn down the remnants and start fresh. There’s nothing salvageable at this point; learn from what was, and make something new.

Please note that while I have left comments on, I will happily delete any vitriol or victim-blaming, and none of this is up for debate. I’m happy to answer what questions I can, but this is not a court of law, and I will not be attempting to “prove” my experiences or otherwise convince skeptics.

May any ill-will directed at me for speaking the truth return to its wisher three-fold.

T. Drakos, 3/2018

*I do think that many of our financial and governmental institutions are part of the toxic patriarchy in our culture, and need to be reformed or overthrown, but I don’t think promoting personal bankruptcy and loan fraud constitutes sound financial advice, regardless of what you think of the morality of the system.

Stella Iris

Originally sent as an email to The Wild Hunt 25 March 2018 -- posted here with permission 20 April 2018 

I am writing to formally request either a retraction or extensive corrections on this article. 

This article is not representative of my testimony or my experiences in any way. I made many specific and verifiable statements, in writing and during my video interview, and none of them are mentioned here. I told Terence in our video interview that I had emails and chat history and that I knew of witnesses to various instances of abuse, and neither you nor he requested to see them or contact them. 

I never received any follow up questions. I never heard anything about any of my statements being verified nor denied by other parties. If you sought out verification, you didn’t publish that you did, or whatever the result. 

I am not sure what “objective reporting” means to you or your organization. 

I did not contribute to this story in order to see my name in the newspaper. As I said to Terence in the interview, I was hurt by this woman; I saw the interview as a chance to warn others from being hurt. Especially after years of defending her, it falls on me to keep others from harm. That was my only motivation. 

Your article lends legitimacy to the idea that these accusations are groundless. It is excellent ammunition for Ms. Matthews to use in defending herself. If you didn’t believe what I said, why did you choose to report this story? As you must be able to see in your own comments section, there would have been plenty of voices to corroborate mine. You didn’t care to ask. 

Since this story came out, I have been called petty, foolish, and overdramatizing. I can only assume that’s what you believe. Please understand, I am writing to you directly rather than trying to court public favor.  I don’t want to be a topic of conversation.  I have included witnesses that I respect because I do not trust you to treat my words as though they have any weight. 

Since participating in this story, my trauma-related IBS and insomnia has returned, and my girlfriend has been threatened with doxxing. You have made the worst experience of my life worse. 

Either print my actual account, or take my name out of your story. 

Erick DuPree

Once upon a time, a friend said to me that we could hold space in our hearts for conflicting feelings and emotions; but if we failed to recognized the root of such conflict and the blind spots to them, we were living in cognitive dissonance. That friend is Crystal Blanton.

For weeks I have sat in silence watching my closest friend in Pagan community at the heart of a profoundly personal and life-changing scandal.  I have spoken to her and I have talked to others. I wrote several drafts and wrestled between public support and silence. However, silence is an act of complicity and I am not in a dissonance. After this post, she and I will likely never speak again. I see her for who she is and who she has tried to be. I affirm her sacred right to autonomy and I forgive her.

I am distraught. To quote Devin Hunter, from a recent Disqus post "... sad, embarrassed for not acting sooner..." I am ashamed of not having the agency for myself.  There is a systemic situation that is wider than one entity. It's not just about a group, but about interpersonal connections, boundaries, and more.  Also, this issue is exceedingly triggering, and the more that unfolds on all sides, the more I am reminded how vital it is that people be empowered, heard, and witnessed in their truth. I hear, support, and affirm you. 

I chose to write this today because silence is complicity. For over five years I have been in a spiritual and professional relationship with Yeshe Matthews.  We have created online communities, cross-promoted each other's work, she wrote the preface to my book, Finding the Masculine In Goddess' Spiral, and she initiated me into a magical tradition. As a private person, I work in branding and marketing- and have helped her launch and rebrand many platforms in trade for her services.

Yeshe welcomed me to popular Pagan community. I found Yeshe in 2012 through an interview she did with Thorn Coyle's podcast, Elemental Castings. Yeshe was on Facebook; we became friends. I became a client, paying for services through her shop. The magical workings never had a rubric, but it was transformational. Yeshe also would ask me prompting questions, like "Is the Goddess real, or is it your imagination?" Those questions became blogs like "Knowing Goddess or Just Wishful Thinking" and quickly my little blog was being picked up and shared by Covenant of the Goddess. My joy in this was met by Yeshe saying "It's my light on you." 

Yeshe invited me to a private group Emerging Voices on Facebook. The premise was simple, lift up, cross-promote and share each other's work. There was a lot of triangulation between members- yet in my awe/gratitude to be there, I didn't see the web. Namely that I was being groomed to be a replacement of sorts to a friendship that was slowly becoming more and more fractious. I was also being told a lot of things from one side of a story about a community of people I didn't know but envied.  Soon after becoming part of Emerging Voices, Crystal Blanton quoted me in The Wild Hunt,  but again it was met with "It's my light on you."

I could write endlessly about isolated moments where something would happen in my magical life and Yeshe would empower the credit it as magically intertwined.  It was her light, her connections, or her idea transmitted to me. And likely parts of that is true. The serialized book version of Alone In Her Presence or Dharmapagan, all her. Things changed however for me when I decided to branch out from Yeshe the teacher and sought teaching from someone else. I began working with a different Bay Area teacher online, and that caused a riff.  That teacher was "patriarchy" those teaching were "cultural appropriation."  My perspective was I was being lured from the hive, and that new hornet's nest wanted my 'light' to bolster and take down the great work of Goddess. Writing that sounds insane, but it's a web of 'us over here, and them over there' and it was in that moment very true.  

I choose them over there instead of seeking distance aspirant within Come As You Are Coven and likely that was the real issue. By this point in my relationship with Yeshe, I no longer saw her as my spiritual teacher, but as a friend. I had also come to know a lot of interpersonal things, and I learned a long time ago your friends don't make the best spiritual teachers. You need boundaries.  I also wanted to avoid another Emerging Voices situation where there might be triangulation over whose the favorite gay priest in the tribe. There had already been one drama with someone I respect that has blocked me from their life completely.

I found myself at a crossroads, however, with that Bay Area teacher and Yeshe, because the more I learned or did on that side of Feri magic the less friendship and affection/ attention I received from my friend. I missed my friend and eventually chose the friendship over the magical working relationship.  Similarly, when someone I knew was in need of help with TERF and doxxing, instead of my gut reaction and advice - I learned on Yeshe, what I assumed would be strong feminist wisdom, and transmitted her advice instead. It cost me. 

People have asked me why Yeshe wrote the preface to Finding the Masculine in Goddess Spiral, since it's an anthology of men, for men and to men.  I had wanted Devin Hunter to write it. Devin and I are both independently "goddess guys" in different ways. I deeply respect him, even if we approach magic from a different tradition.  Yeshe advised that for the work not to be seen as patriarchy it needed a woman's blessing, it required that light. Yeshe had done so much for me. That preface should have been a foreshadowing of events to come, because the preface is an invocation, not a statement from a women on how men empower Goddess traditions and feminism, which was the point.  While in many ways it's water well under the bridge, I need to apologize to Devin for not giving him that platform.  He didn't need it, but he deserved it.  

There was a point when I was writing all the time, at PatheosThe Wild Hunt, working a book deal with Moon Books, besties with a DC witch that I loved, doing Pagan events and talking to Yeshe weekly living in that light

In 2016, Yeshe counseled that I interview a controversial figure in Pagan community and gender politics who was writing a transphobic book on Female Erasure for my Patheos blog: Alone In Her Presence. Trans issues were in focus, and Yeshe felt women, and this was not being afforded the equal space.  By this point, I wasn't sure what to believe? I had lost my closest aforementioned, DC bestie over this issue, but my main conduit in Pagan community had advocated that woman needed rights. I also was always being bombarded that gay men were misogynists, and in some way maybe I was special because she had let me into the club of matriarchy.  I was also lead to believe that I was neutral and respected, and most importantly if I didn't censor the interviewee, I would be seen as unbiased an fair.  Besides that light supported me.

I knew I was making a mistake when I hit publish, but I wanted approval. If I can give one piece of advice to a writer, always wait 24 hours, and have a Crystal Blantonin your contacts to call for editorial advice. Had I waited, and phoned a friend I would have heard "Are you crazy?"

I was. I was wrong. And there was no light. I also handled the pressure poorly, in part because my support system wasn't there. Sure there was a phone call or two, but nothing in public, because it would ruin the businesses, the pariahs of pagandom. I was alone. I stopped writing. I didn't move forward with Moon Books, I left Patheos and Alone In Her Presence. I wrote here and there for The Wild Hunt but have until today been quiet.

Yeshe and I remained friends, I was initiated into the Order of the Black Madonna along side Crystal. That too ended with me fading away, with painful emails, and learning later of sadness and disappointment from many others who came seeking connection with the dark side of the Goddess. 

I am not part of CAYA. I have been a member of a few private Facebook groups and other social media platforms. I am friendly with a few members. Like many, I've always witnessed a loving and powerful community doing inclusive work on a grand scale. I have envied that seemingly elusive big Pagan community from afar. I also knew that it wasn't for me. It saddens me that there is this fraction. In these moments especially, Pagan communities can learn from our religious colleagues in other wisdom traditions how to handle questions of misconduct.  

I take from this experience, personal accountability. I wanted spiritual community and validation, and I found that in a teacher who became a friend. She and others helped me to build a platform, and when I used it to her advantage, she promoted and praised it. I don't think that is unique, I think that is part of our capitalist culture. The trouble is the shame, guilt, and gaslighting that comes when we choose to not play in the sandbox and to hold different opinions from our teacher.  Somewhere I lost part of my own compass, and take responsibility for my action. 

I wonder, where do we as a community go from here? I do not know. I write this today because silence is complicity. I have no stake in a fractured community whose hurt is real, valid, and witnessed. May they find love, compassion, and justice.  I do know that many are living in pain, in a situation similar to this where there is a power over the model. Let us remember to step into the magic of our autonomy with grace and the love that remains the law.

Blessed Be.

If someone comes along and shoots an arrow into your heart, it’s fruitless to stand there and yell at the person. It would be much better to turn your attention to the fact that there’s an arrow in your heart...

— Pema Chödrön

Rowan Nightshade

Posted as a comment to The Wild Hunt 23 March 2018

I was interviewed for over an hour by a reporter from TWH and they opted to only use a handful of my most tepid comments from the entire process. I find it exceedingly frustrating and I wonder what the point of the article was at all. Why even publish anything?

To be clear, I was a member of CAYA for just over 10 years; I was on the Council and I was the Financial Steward (treasurer). I experienced and witnessed innumerable occasions of verbal and emotional abuse, gaslighting, and cruelty that increased in severity and frequency over time. The most extreme personal case of it was in February of last year when Jessica Matthews had a couple of cocktails and then proceeded to spend 90 minutes publicly (as in, in a crowded restaurant) berating me about my parenting and how awful she thought my kids were. She only stopped when I finally broke down in tears and said that I understood that she thought I was a terrible mother.

I personally witnessed the shaming and exclusionary practices she had and promoted, I personally heard her say terrible, bigoted things about trans women and was there when she swore us all to secrecy about it under the guise of being in "sacred space."

She also sexually coerced and exploited me during an extremely vulnerable time in my life when I had just split with my husband of 17 years. It involved her, me, another clergy member, and an initiate who was also romantically involved with JM despite it being against the stated policies of CAYA. JM had kept it secret from her own husband and said to me that sisters should be able to have sex with each other whenever they want without telling anyone and outside of whatever other relationships or commitments they had. This kind of encounter happened on three separate occasions (only once with the initiate) when I was away from home with her, had ridden to the location in her vehicle, and no material means of leaving.

I have been told by multiple people that I have grounds to take legal action, but honestly I see how our "justice" system works and I have no faith in it. Plus I've already given her too many years of time and devotion and I really just want my life back.

However, I agreed to be interviewed by TWH (however uselessly in the end) because I feel it is imperative to do whatever I can to protect others from predation by Jessica Matthews (or Rabbit Matthews, Yeshe Rabbit, Yeshe Matthews, Jessica Rabbit, Jessica Yeshe Rabbit Matthews Robles, or whatever other name she is publicly using now).

I also wrote a more general blog post about it as a way of processing my own feelings and experiences and also, potentially, as a warning to others who may be in harm's way. If you want to read it, it is here:
I won't engage with trolls. I'm not interested in having further conversation about this. I just want to be done, but I won't feel done until the warning gets out there.

You may choose to believe me or not, I have no control over that. I have no property, resources, or reputation to protect. I am not "somebody" in the pagan world. I just need to do my best to tell the truth so others may make their own decisions with all the information to hand.

Please be careful and examine all the information and sources critically; beware of gurus and anyone who claims to have all the answers. Be well. Be safe.

Zafira Alexander

Posted as a comment to The Wild Hunt 23 March 2018

As a member who left this community after being emotionally abused by Rabbit and other core members at the time, it saddens me to see the victim-shaming that is occurring in the comments.

There is a collective gaslighting presently happening to the survivors as well. These are OUR EXPERIENCES. We know because we lived through it.

This isn’t a spectrum either. Abuse is Abuse. Emotional, Financial, Sexual... no mattter the ‘amount’ someone has suffered. Abuse is Abuse.

I discovered the Amazon Priestess Tribe in 2008. I left in 2011. I left because I saw the path of Coven to Cult forming. My experience. Judge me if you want or sit down with me and listen. Hear me with an open heart. I do not speak up out of malice for Rabbit. I speak up with compassion and unconditional love for those who have suffered through the abuse they experienced.

I have learned a long time ago to stop trying to get an apology out of someone who does not see their behavior as toxic or abusive. Expecting any sort of accountability from the abusive party is very much akin to getting nowhere on a treadmill. And those who staunchly defend Rabbit now may or may not come to see with their own eyes the truth of those who have dared to speak up and out about the abuse they have experienced.

I was given an opportunity to interview with someone about my experiences. It was an unrealistic expectation (and highly insensitive) to accommodate their inquiries within a short time frame. Some stories take time to tell. The ‘journalism’ surrounding the abusive experiences of the members (former and present) of CAYA seems biased at best.

However this proceeds and ends, those of us who have suffered know the truth. Your victim-shaming and gaslighting has no sway over us.