Lorelei Moon

Originally published in a Facebook post by Lorelei Moon 22 March 2018

I just read the piece of "journalism" that was published today by, The Wild Hunt, about the exodus of Jessica Matthews aka Yeshe Rabbit Matthews, former head priestess of CAYA coven's exodus and public statements that have been written by CAYA and Solar Cross about the situation.

I debated for some time whether or not to participate in interviews for this piece. I chose not to because I felt very uncomfortable about the questions I was being asked. They smacked of bias toward Matthews who was integral to the publication in the past. The questions also had a tone that smacked of victim-blaming. I was extremely uncomfortable with that. When I brought up concerns to the reporter he was extremely defensive. The Wild Hunt claims that this piece was given to an independent editor before publication and they have acknowledged their previous connection to Matthews, however I find it disturbing that this poorly written piece of twaddle:
  • Quotes mostly people with a biased towards Matthews and Matthews herself
  • Paints CAYA and victims as totally uncooperative, largely for refusing to out victims by giving names or identifying details
  • Quotes comments on a Facebook post that are dismissive of the accusations while ignoring the comments on that post that countered those comments
  • Even though several people allowed their names to be used and evidently spoke at length to the Wild Hunt's reporter, only the mildest quotes were selected and not everyone was quoted.
  • On top of it all, I've seen tabloids with better writing. It smacks of brown nosing and cronyism.
Of course, in the comments, Matthew's supporters immediately praised the good work of TWH, launched their support of her and squabbled with any critics. This included Big Salem Mass, muckity muck self proclaimed psychic wonderkund, (and well known pagan drama queen) Christian Day, getting into a squabble with a commenter, comparing their use of Jessica Matthews legal name (which she still uses, in addition to her self ordained title of Yeshe) to purposefully misgendering someone. I find it ironic that people try defending a well documented transphobe like Matthews in one breath then spewing transphobic propaganda in the next. Using someone's legal name, which they also use, instead of the pretentious title they have given themselves does not compare to misgendering someone. It does not.

I can tell you that I witnessed some horrendous abuse and manipulation during the time I was involved with CAYA coven. I also was the target of abuse. I believe the victims. I can corroborate much of what happened during the years I was involved with them and even some of what happened after I left. Because of Matthews' comnection to so many online pagan publications, I suspect it would be hard to find any that would truly investigate this in a fair way. It is unfortunate that this is unlikely to be something a main stream media publication, which has more journalistic integrity would be interested in investigating. Also, because, legal charges will probably not be brought and because CAYA is trying to repair and rebuild itself, (I think they need to disband) chances are good that this will quickly be swept under the rug and Matthews will reclaim her "reputation" and start over with new victims. That's a shame.

See also: